[芯片参数] OV13850芯片规格书参数1/3

发表于 2023-1-31 17:11:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
+ H) f+ v8 p% s4 }' v- d
Power-Efficient 13-Megapixel Image Sensor
, C4 u. i  M8 L$ B% k  f$ Lwith Best-In-Class Performance
0 z  L( z9 I- m- r* `( I( bfor High-End Smartphones and Tablets
7 r2 t8 ~( d5 L8 `2 B) ~) \1 wOV13850 13MP product brief
! ~5 @2 P' K: v3 k0 H9 elead free  B- m9 C4 q8 F* _
available in" ^- N$ l" r9 K) c6 p
a lead-free
0 [# I- h' w: S% A* p  ~7 mpackage
' S5 W, A3 I, \3 O6 XThe OV13850 is a high performance PureCel™; r( d  N$ L- E) {/ A
13-megapixel CameraChip™ sensor that delivers
9 _0 T6 y) [; H. g3 a" f, R  rbest-in-class high- and low-light performance, as well as1 M7 u% F9 K- \" l
dramatically reduced power consumption for& X3 ~& D' Q  U. `$ T
smartphones and tablets.
0 @, @  r* m! d, J6 dThe OV13850 sensor offers a number of performance
! z. C! I1 v, c+ xenhancements, including improved full-well capacity: H% ]0 R  q; ?
(FWC) and sensitivity for industry-leading high- and low
# B; n' B+ i" s$ \) _5 l; {9 _light performance. It also offers a 40 percent reduction in
2 v9 B1 N# L. H- Jpower consumption compared to our previous generation$ x/ f  |1 X! u3 M
sensor, making the OV13850 ideally suited for feature
; E1 E' @0 a* i0 ~0 o+ xrich mobile devices.7 @. r' E: ~8 Y
The 1/3.06-inch OV13850 supports an active array of6 {3 t$ G8 B) w( \: P6 b" S
4224 x 3136 pixels (13.2-megapixels) operating at4 A; L  j9 w; [3 E/ p- I/ z2 ?7 e# a3 w
30 frames per second (fps) for zero shutter lag and can
0 G( r( E  G2 n6 e( P. d% ^2 h, Vseamlessly transition between recording video and( |, d" {2 E, V* N5 A+ Y+ O! B
capturing still images. Additionally, the sensor supports+ |! t0 i& E. |2 C
4K2K ultra-high definition video at 30 fps with full* z) J$ ^+ [/ B, y2 a
horizontal field of view (FOV) and electronic image
& G) L1 b( J7 R; U3 B! l. ~stabilization (EIS), as well as high frame rate 1080p HD* p% r7 i" \7 A; `4 x9 H- _9 Z9 U6 p  E
video at 60 fps with EIS to enable high quality videos.
) j+ L0 l  r" a( V1 {% b5 O0 c6 NThe OV13850 fits into an industry standard
/ ]. d. `# u9 {+ ^- @; r& Z+ u8.5 x 8.5 x 5 mm module.
- x- |) h: C! j) UFind out more at www.ovt.com.
. |- k) h' D( O+ P, x$ l8 t2 |& [
% F6 B% L" \3 G* e5 p* C* f  s4 S$ g
8 i2 m: Z9 L3 y, f2 o* u4 D2 k( ?* \0 q+ O, \0 I


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